Project Profile
Gross Floor Area
Property Type
Number of Units
Project Summary
NY Building Systems Consultant Inc. (NYBSC) recommended installing multiple boilers rather than a single boiler in order to save more energy as part load savings. Following the completion of the Energy study, the building board and property management were eager to hire the NYBSC engineering design team to replace the old oil-fired boilers with new high efficiency dual-fuel boilers. The building was also awarded to NYBSC for managing the boiler construction work on time and on budget.
Objectives of the new boilers design:
To provide tenants with heating and domestic hot water without disrupting service and to reduce building energy consumption and operational costs.
The benefits of using multiple boilers:
(Running multiple boilers vs. single boiler):
Boiler system optimization can save energy by running the small boiler during off-peak hours and complying to the building load profile.
Benefits of Using Natural Gas
- Reduce the building’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Reduce the fuel and maintenance cost by using modern control system including programmable thermostats, night and weekend setbacks and warm weather shutdown.