Local Law 84: Benchmarking
Local Law 84 requires the use of an EPA ENERGY STAR portfolio manager tool to measure the energy and water intensity of a building that exceeds 25,000 gross square feet. The calendar year benchmark scores must be submitted annually.
Local Law 85: NYC Energy Conservation Code
Beginning July 1, 2010 this law requires that any element of the building directly affected by additions, alternations and/or renovations must adhere to the New York City Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC). The NYC Department of Buildings will not issue building permits without documentation of compliance, including an energy analysis by a registered professional.
Local Law 88: Lighting Retrofits and Sub-metering
Requires building owners to upgrade their building’s lighting systems to meet current code by January 1, 2025, or whenever a renovation is pursued, whether it touches electrical systems or not, whichever comes first. In addition, by this same time-frame, sub-meters of electrical consumption must be installed in all tenant spaces of 5,000 square feet or more and building owners need to provide tenants with monthly electricity consumption statements.