HVAC Commissioning is a thorough and comprehensive testing of a mechanical system’s performance. Many owners question why they should spend more money to “fix” a system the contractor is being paid to build. Commissioning can reduce operating and maintenance costs, improve the comfort of a building’s occupants, and extend the life of equipment. The onetime investment in commissioning can result in major costs savings. Also Per Section C408.2 of the 2020 NYC ECC, the construction documents “shall clearly indicate provisions for commissioning” and identify the systems to be commissioned.
Commissioning Requirements:
Mechanical systems and service water heating systems in new buildings, additions, or alterations where the total mechanical equipment capacity being installed or the total mechanical equipment connected load serving the alteration space is equal to or more than 480,000 Btu/h (140.7 kW) cooling capacity and 600,000 Btu/h (175.8 kW) combined service water-heating and space-heating capacity, and Renewable energy systems being installed with a generating capacity of equal to or more than 25kW need commissioning.